Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Nation Built on Lies, by Theives and Murders cont.

Well I hope that drink wasn't to strong because I have another for ya. So from part 1 it is quite clear that the very foundations of this country we call the land of the free and home of the brave is seriously compromised. How can we as a country who has as its foundation deception, genocide, theft, oh and I forgot slavery preach to any other country how to conduct their affairs without first getting ours in order.
This poses a serious problem for America, because the majority of us are living in a state of denial. This isn't all the peoples fault we have a sorry excuse of what we call an educational system. Our educational institutions really encourage regurgitation of facts and the production of corporate drones instead of intelligent questioning citizens. The results of such a system is the creation of the type of society that we have today. Materialistic, selfish, and short sighted oh what a wonderful world.
Try imagining if our schools taught the facts, not the sanitized version we teach today. In our current system of education intelligent questioning is treated with a less than favorable response. Why? because when people are confronted with a intelligent inquiry into uncomfortable issues the powers that be react by attacking the inquirer. Why are are wanting to cause trouble? they are ask, don't you know this line of inquiry can be damaging to your future. These intelligent people are told in no uncertain terms this is not how the game is played and their future depends upon playing the game, don't ask questions. I know this is what I was told. Fortunately I had a teacher who had the courage to tell the truth. He an encouraged his students not to plat the game, to explore and investigate everything we are told. Thanks Mr. Walker you were truly an inspiration.
Now that being said because I believe in the inherent good of most people I think we would find ourselves in a much different country in fact a much different world we are in today if we encouraged such inquiry. The problem is though this type of inquiry eventually leads to the truth and like that famous quote from jack "you want the truth you can't handle the truth"! Well folks you better start handling the truth.
In part 1 of this blog I just scratched the surface of the injustices our government has committed against the native people of this land. I didn't go into the fact that despite that freedom of religion is explicatedly protected in the first amendment of our hallowed Constitution this for some reason didn't apply to the native people. No, these people were forbidden to worship in their traditional manner. People this is the first amendment for Christ sake and our government just in violated it. I got news for y'all they (the government) do it all the time. I hate to say it but our Constitution is a fraud a carefully constructed farce to give the American people the illusion of freedom and justice. Sorry, but that's the truth can you handle it?
So confronted with facts like this why should we expect our present government to act in a more moral manner? Well we shouldn't and it hasn't. From the invasion of sovereign nations to violations of citizen civil rights our present government (and when I say present I mean the past 30 years) has conducted itself in an reprehensible manner. It doesn't matter which party happens to be in power because the real power lies behind the curtain. The corporate curtain of corruption. Our politicians are bought and sold our system of government is morally and financially bankrupt. Its not that America that is broken beyond repair it is our government and as Thomas Jefferson so eloquently said “ I am not an advocate of frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and constitutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, and as new discoveries made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change so must laws and constitutions adjust. With the change of circumstances institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear the coat which fit him as a boy as require a civilized society to remain under the regime of their barbarous ancestors". I didn't say that my fellow Americans homas Jefferson did. I don't know about you but I think we have out grown this coat they have us wearing and its time for a new one, one based on the principles of true freedom and justice. Think about that, until next time when as always the drinks on me.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is America Broken Beyond Repair, Part 1 A Nation built on Lies, by Thieves and Murderers

To understand why America is broken we need to go back to the time before our nation was born.

The true story of the birth of our nation has been hidden by the mists of time and white washed by those who desire to keep the populace in the chains of ignorance. This has allowed them to literally get away with murder. I warn you here and now the information I present will not paint the founding of the United States in a favorable light, however it is the truth, nothing more, nothing less. That truth is the United States is a nation built on lies, by thieves and murders. It is essential for us to understand this disturbing fact if we are going to have any chance of getting ourselves out of this mess we’re in today.

Contrary to popular belief North America was not a trackless wilderness at the time of the arrival of the Europeans. No in fact it was home to millions of people with a diverse array of cultures. These people were well adapted to their environment and in their culture human beings had seemingly established an equilibrium, it was a life of balance with no monetary wealth and with no poverty. Theirs was a culture that revered the earth, for they knew it was the source of true wealth. Now don’t get me wrong there were problems like warfare and natural disasters, but compared to what was going on across the Atlantic it certainly was a paradise.

The Europeans that arrived on these shores left a home of scarce resources, of gross inequities between the rich and poor and a societal system contrived to maintain just that. It must have seemed to them that they had indeed arrived in paradise, for this was a land of true freedom and natural abundance. One little problem though, there were already people here.

At first the new arrivals unwittingly unleashed an epidemic of infectious disease upon the native populations. These diseases were unknown to these people and they had little to no immunity to them. The results were catastrophic. Some historians estimate that up to 80% of some populations died after initial contact. With the native population weakened it didn’t take long for the new arrivals to knowingly take advantage of the situation.

When the Europeans first arrived they were horribly inept at surviving in their new home and many perished. Despite the suffering the diseases caused the native people they took pity on the new arrivals and helped them learn the way to survive in their new land. It is certain without the help of the native people many more of the settlers would have died. We celebrate the generosity of these people with our Thanksgiving, but I know they look at things a little differently considering how things turned out

As time went on an inevitable clash of cultures occurred. The new arrivals numbers grew exponentially, while the native peoples populations were devastated. The settlers wanted land pure and simple but the native people’s culture was base on communal land management as opposed to ownership. The native people believed that by giving there would be enough for all. The settlers had a much different view of things that being what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine. These two opposing value systems set the stage for conflict and I propose the death of true freedom. The settlers connived the native people with trinkets to sign away their rights to the land. Problem was they had no comprehension of what they had done. It was flat out like stealing from a child although dressed up in the legalese of the day. This began the wholesale theft of the continent.

In time the native people got wise to these shenanigans but only after losing possession of most of the eastern seaboard. Then the colonist came up with the treaties ( in fact nothing but lies) in order to convince the natives that they were getting a deal by trading away a portion of their land away for security. But inevitability the settler’s hunger for land was insatiable, and the treaties were broken. When the native people protested these violations and resisted the invasion of their god given land well then colonist just killed them outright. Last time I checked that’s called murder.

So there you have it . There is no denying this country has as its foundation lies, theft and murder. The facts are right there if you care to investigate them. I could go into all the gory details but that’s not what this blog is about. My objective is to awaken your thirst for the truth, so go on now finish that one. Then come on back now ya hear and have another drink on me . To be continued…

The Water Bearer

Is America Broken Beyond Repair?

As I near my 50th year I sit back in utter amazement at the condition of these United States of America today. Once the shining beacon of freedom and opportunity, we now find our country slipping into a decline unprecedented in our history. In this series of posts I will examine where we’re at as a country and just how we got ourselves into this fine mess, and don’t kid yourself it is one hell of a mess. I make my observations not from some safe and secure ivory tower of academia or the comfort of some ridiculously large mcmansion. Nope, I am just one of the masses of humanity, in fact I am what many would consider one of the really poor of that mass. Don’t have pity on me however I am doing fine and I am one of the most fortunate people alive, because I have discovered a freedom that few people will ever know.

It hasn’t always been so. I too was on the treadmill chasing the American Dream, but after a little personal enlightenment and taking a real serious look at just what the hell was going on in this country, I made a conscious decision to no longer contribute to a system not built on freedom and justice as we are taught, but on enslavement and injustice. The reality is the American Dream is a carefully disguised nightmare.

We are taught that American was founded on the principals found in the Declaration of Independence, these principles, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, having its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. and that was the intention of some of the founders, but somehow or another, no let me be frank, because of greed and the quest for power our constitution was created in such a way that it gave an illusion of freedom. Hidden in the words and government it created are mechanisms that ensure that the power over the people will still be held by a small select few. I know these statements are harsh, and in fact there are many who will call me unpatriotic, but I can assure you I love this country as much as anyone. I admire the works of Jefferson, and Paine these were men of vision. It is their words that inspire me and if I didn’t question the direction in which this country is embarking I wouldn’t be honoring the memory of these great men. So please follow me as I take you on an unabridged journey back through our collective history to honestly understand where we have come from, where we are, and hopefully were we can be. So sit back and enjoy as I pour you a little refreshment for the mind.

The Water Bearer